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a little retreat
posted Jun.15.18 at 12:08 am

Hey everyone~

It's really difficult for me to write this! So, I'm phrasing it carefully, choosing to call it a Little Retreat for my own sake, however selfishly. I need to take a prolonged break from updating balderdash! regularly.

At this point in my life, I want to pursue my career, in all its facets, more seriously, and I simply can't do that if I'm hustling every month trying to get an update out. I've been unsatisfied with the quality of my own work lately, and while I know that's always the case with artists and writers, I truly want you to be able to read the balderdash! I have in my heart. 

I can tell you all the reasons or excuses why, but simply put: I want to pursue balderdash! and my other quietly-planned projects more seriously. In whatever form those may take, you will probably still see Georgie & Afia and their friends around - in illustrations, in short stories, maybe even in mini comics. With that in mind, I will keep the website and all my stores open. 

But for now, I need to keep my work private for a bit. So, I'm taking a much-needed retreat to tend to my own garden.

Thank you for everything! I am going to work hard to bring you bigger and brighter things in the future.


See you around,



