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chapter vi, page 110
posted Mar.18.15 at 12:55 am

The Milkmaid's day had started an hour or two earlier. Along with a few of her siblings and cousins, she had milked the cows and put them out to pasture - having several hands made the work go by a little quicker - and they'd all begun the distrubution of milk for the townsfolk.

Only certain homes and shops in Löffel had the early morning delivery, such as the Baker and the Herbalist. And because she was the eldest and most responsible of her siblings and cousins, the Milkmaid was on duty for the early morning delivery. 

As she set down the bottles by their respective shops, the Milkmaid noticed a strange beast in the ramshackle stables across the courtyard. She'd always been rather fond of horses, and it looked somewhat like a horse. Although, the beast did indeed look a little more intimidating with its hugeness and bony antlers - did this perhaps belong to the new witchgirl she'd heard Katya mention? The Milkmaid was curious. She decided to see if the beast was friendly. She so hoped it was.
